
Are you new to the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) or need assistance managing your trademark records? This page provides various resources to help you resolve any issues you might encounter.

New to the Trademark Clearinghouse

  • Beginner’s Guide: Explore our ‘Understanding the Trademark Clearinghouse’-page to learn about the TMCH and its services for managing trademark records in the new internet domains.
  • Clearinghouse Services: Get familiar with the basic explanation of TMCH services and how they can benefit you.
  • Sunrise Period: Learn about the priority registration period for trademarks, known as the Sunrise Period, in new generic top-level domains (gTLDs).
  • New gTLD Calendar: Stay updated on all active and upcoming Sunrise Periods for new gTLDs with our calendar.
  • Glossary: Understand new vocabulary related to trademark registration and domain management with our glossary.
  • Find an Official TMCH Agent: Consider submitting your trademark records through an official TMCH Agent for personalized assistance in your preferred language.

Managing Your Trademark Records

  • How-To Manuals: Access step-by-step manuals that walk you through TMCH processes

General Support

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Search our FAQs for common issues and solutions
  • Customer Support: For any trademark record-related issues, create a support case via the TMCH self-service system within your account. Refer to the TMCH Self-Service System User Manual for guidance on creating, viewing, and managing cases. If you don’t have access to your account, create a support case by emailing .
  • Lost Password: Follow the manual to guide you through the password reset process.
  • Contact Us: For any outstanding issues, contact TMCH at +32.26394870 during Belgian business days (Monday to Thursday, 9 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM to 5 PM CEST).

Need further assistance? Don’t hesitate to reach out! We’re here to help you navigate TMCH and ensure a smooth experience managing your trademark records.

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.