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TMCH stats December 17th
Recording .CAR, .CARS & .AUTO webinar
Please find below the recording and presentation of the webinar on .CAR, .CARS & .AUTO. Introducing .Cars, .Car, and .Auto: the complete line of new domains developed specifically for the automotive industry. Cars Registry Limited is the registry operator...
Recording .THEATRE webinar
Please find below the recording and presentation of the webinar on .THEATRE. .Theatre is the creative namespace for businesses, communities, and individuals to market their events and express their passion. ...
recording .世界 (.world) webinar
Please find below the recording and presentation of the webinar on .世界 (.world). The IDN-TLD ".世界” (Dot World) has launched a Special Sunrise with a new and lowered price. This Sunrise is now accepting registrations and will last for more than 60-days, ending...
.NYC UPDATE: Previously Reserved Lists Released to the General Public on October 8, 2015
On October 8, 2015, in celebration of .nyc Registry’s first anniversary, it will be making 16,674 of previously blocked .nyc Collision List domain names available for registration on a first-come, first-served basis. While some of these domain names may seem like...