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Trademark Clearinghouse Marketing Website Update

Dear TMCH users, Please be informed that on Thursday April 19th between 6:00 & 8:00 am UTC, our technical team will perform an update to the marketing website. Note that it will not affect the use of the TMCH portal. If you face any difficulties, please contact us...

Software update

Due to some software updates, the performance of the TMCH application may be affected from January 5- 8 2018. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this could cause.

Migration of full OT&E environment for TMCH agents

In our continuing mission to improve the Trademark Clearinghouse we are pleased to announce that on December 1st the OT&E environment was migrated to a new platform. The migrated OT&E environment will have the same functionalities as before. The OT&E...

TMCH Migration Weekend

During the weekend of September 16th & 17th 2017 the TMCH will be executing a migration of the TMCH interfaces. Consequently all operations via the agent-API and the secure web platform ( will be down as of Saturday...