Mass revocation of SMD files

On December 14th, a full set of replacement SMDs will be generated for download by all current rights holders; all previously generated SMD files will be revoked.  We are performing this mass revocation in order to enhance and improve the use of SMD files. The new SMD...

UDRP & Court cases

Out of the Clearinghouse implementation discussions, a Strawman solution was proposed to balance and address the concerns of affected stakeholders. This covered the inclusion of domain names previously determined to have been abusively registered (hereinafter “Abused...

API OT&E platform User manual has been updated

The API OT&E platform User manual has been updated to version 1.3. This new version of the manual will now also cover how to set the status of the proof of use. You can find the updated manual in our download section.    

Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Service Available

Completing another key milestone in the New gTLD Program, Sunrise support services have been launched for registrars and registries that will interact with the Trademark Clearinghouse ensuring that the users of the Clearinghouse benefit from Sunrise services. The...