Trademark Claims Service

The Trademark Claims Service, mandated by ICANN for all new generic top-level domains (gTLDs), serves as a notification system. It is specifically designed to inform both domain name registrants and Trademark Holders about potential infringements during the Claims Period of a new gTLD.

These new gTLDs, such as .LINK, .APP, .MUSIC, offer businesses diverse and industry-specific options to better reflect their identities and offerings, departing from the traditional .COM or .NET domains.

What is the Claims Period?

The Claims Period directly follows after the Sunrise period and extends across at least the initial 90 days of General Availability for each new gTLD.

General Availability (GA) represents the stage where anyone can freely register a domain name (DN) within a newly launched gTLD. This phase usually follows directly after the Sunrise period, is open-ended and domain names can be secured on a first-come, first-served basis.

How it works?

Our Trademark Claims Service operates with a dual approach, offering both proactive and reactive components.

    1. Proactive: Warning Notices
      When a potential domain name registrant attempts to register a domain name that matches a trademark record included in the TMCH, they receive a warning notice. This notice serves to notify the registrant of potential infringement on someone’s Intellectual Property rights, urging them to reconsider proceeding with the registration. Additionally, acknowledgment of the notice is required before proceeding with the registration process.
    2. Reactive: Claims notification to Trademark owners
      If the domain name registrant proceeds with the domain name registration after acknowledging the notice, trademark owners whose trademarks correspond with trademark records in the TMCH receive a Claims notification. This notification allows them to take appropriate action if necessary.

Beyond the initial 90-day Claims period of General Availability, TMCH clients benefit from our Ongoing Notifications Service at no additional cost, ensuring continuous protection over potential trademark infringements.

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.