
A Registry serves as the authoritative database of all domain names registered under a specific top-level domain (TLD). Registry Operators are responsible for providing essential registry services. These services encompass customer database administration, zone file publication, DNS and DNSSEC operation, as well as marketing and policy determination. While some registries may outsource certain services, their primary function remains the efficient management of domain name registrations within their designated TLD.

TMCH and Registries

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of trademark holders within domain name registration. Registries must use the Signed Mark Data (SMD) files issued by TMCH during Sunrise Periods to validate the Sunrise eligibility of domain name registrations.

Sunrise and Claims Services

For all New gTLD Registries, collaboration with TMCH is essential to provide Sunrise and Claims services. These services offer crucial rights protection mechanisms for trademark holders who have registered their marks with TMCH. Registry Operators have the flexibility to execute their TLD phases based on their own business and operational models, as long as they meet the TMCH Requirements and adhere to the objectives.

Collaborate with TMCH

Looking to create a buzz around the Sunrise period of your new gTLD? Collaborate with Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) to leverage our expertise and resources for a successful launch. Learn more about how we can help amplify the visibility and success of your TLDs Sunrise period by visiting our dedicated page.

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.