Pricing for Trademark Agents

Trademark Agents, whether entities or individuals, serve as representatives of trademark owners, ensuring seamless submission and ongoing maintenance of trademark records within the TMCH. Their expertise and dedication facilitate the registration process for trademark owners, providing invaluable support throughout. Trademark Agents can take various forms, including but not limited to:

  • Brand Protection Companies: Organizations dedicated to protecting brand interests.
  • Registrars: Entities managing domain registrations.
  • (IP) Law Firms: Legal professionals specializing in intellectual property.

We offer specialized account options tailored to meet the needs of Trademark Agents. Choose between our Silver Agent Account and Gold Agent Account options.

Silver Agent Account

A Silver Agent Account is a type of Prepaid Account exclusively available to Trademark Agents. The minimum deposit required is 5,000 USD, which can be fully utilized for registering and renewing trademarks in TMCH. Please note that any remaining balance of the initial deposit will be non-refundable upon termination of your contract.

Gold Agent Account

Exclusively available to Trademark Agents, the Gold Agent Account offers additional flexibility. With a minimum deposit of 15,000 USD, you can efficiently manage trademark registrations and renewals within TMCH. Notably, any remaining funds from the initial deposit will be refundable upon termination of your contract.

Advanced Fee Structure

Trademark Agents can take advantage of our Advanced Fee Structure when setting up a Prepaid Account. This exclusive fee structure offers discounted pricing based on volume, providing cost saving options for Trademark Agents.

Status Points

Earn status points with each registration or renewal, with multi-year registrations earning additional points.

  • Each 1-year Trademark registration/renewal: 1 point
  • Each 3-year Trademark registration/renewal: 4 points
  • Each 5-year Trademark registration/renewal: 7 points

As you accumulate status points, you’ll unlock incremental discounts. The more registrations or renewals you process, the greater the savings. The fee structure is detailed below, with pricing based on accumulated status points:

Price (USD)
Status Points 1 Year 3 years 5 Years
0 to 1,000 155 465 775
1,001 to 15,000 145 435 725
15,001 to 40,000 130 390 650
40,001 to 90,000 115 345 575
Over 90,000 105 315 525

Automatic Reset

The status counter will automatically reset to zero at the end of each registration period. The registration period will begin when the Agent registered the first trademark in the Trademark Clearinghouse and ends on the first anniversary of such date.
For a detailed breakdown of our fee structure, please refer to: Detailed Fee Structure.

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.