
Note: this page is available in English only

New fee structure

The Trademark Clearinghouse, launching the 26th of March, has announced some crucial changes in its fee structure. The changes are applicable to Trademark Holders and Trademark Agents who opt for a Prepayment Account (Advanced Fee Structure) The threshold levels to...

Browse through the webinar presentation

For those who cold not join our educational webinars or did join but want to have a copy, we are sharing the presentation that was given prior to launching the Clearinghouse.

Clearinghouse User Interface test environment available

The Clearinghouse has set-up an environment where the Automated Interface (API) can be tested by registered trademark agents. Once your account has been verified you will receive an e-mail with your credentials and the connection information for the test environment.

Downtime TMCH March 15th

Due to some updates, the TMCH web-interface will be down on Saturday March 15th between 7h30 and 9h00 UTC.

Trademark Clearinghouse guidelines published

The Trademark Clearinghouse Guidelines, which can also be found in our Download section, serve as a guideline for Trademark Holders and Trademark Agents to inform them about the eligibility requirements for inclusion of trademarks in the Clearinghouse and...