Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Service Available

Completing another key milestone in the New gTLD Program, Sunrise support services have been launched for registrars and registries that will interact with the Trademark Clearinghouse ensuring that the users of the Clearinghouse benefit from Sunrise services. The...

FAQ overhaul

In order to keep our Frequently Asked Questions up to date and relevant we performed a complete overhaul of the FAQ categories and updated the contents of the questions where necessary. Feel free to check the FAQ’s : here.

Automated interface (API v1.1.4) available

The TMCH project provides an automated interface (API) to allow users to interact in an automated fashion with the data stored in the Clearinghouse database (TMCH database). XML has been widely used by registries and registrars to provide an automated interface (the...

API-2: Automated Interface available

The TMCH project provides an automated interface (API) to allow users to interact in an automated fashion with the data stored in the Clearinghouse database (TMCH database). XML has been widely used by registries and registrars to provide an automated interface (the...

Clearinghouse Guidelines v 1.3 published

Trademark Clearinghouse Guidelines  provide an overview of the eligibility requirements and what type of trademarks may be accepted for inclusion in the Trademark Clearinghouse. The last page lists of changes. Page number – Section – Subject P.  8  ...