Application Information

Who Can Apply?

The Trademark Clearinghouse caters to various parties based on their requirements. If you own a registered trademark or represent a registered trademark owner, you’re eligible to become part of the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). The registration process is user-friendly and tailored to suit both individual trademark owners and businesses. Our users are categorized into two distinct groups: Trademark Holders and TrademarkAgents.

Trademark Holders

Trademark Holders encompass individuals, private persons, or companies with registered trademark rights. Trademark Holders are keen to manage their own brands and prefer handling the process in-house. This includes those currently holding eligible trademark rights and aiming to protect their trademarks through the Clearinghouse. Trademark Holders have the option to directly submit their trademarks or manage the process through a Trademark Agent.

Trademark Agents

Trademark Agents are entities or individuals serving as representatives of Trademark owners, ensuring a seamless submission and ongoing maintenance of trademark records within the Clearinghouse. Their vital role lies in facilitating the application process for Trademark Holders. Additionally, Trademark Agents receive important notifications related to the Sunrise, Claims and Ongoing Notifications Services. This exclusive information equips Trademark Agents to deliver added value and strategic support to Trademark Holders. Beyond this, Trademark Agents extend their expertise to assist holders in their general brand protection strategy. Trademark Agents can take various forms, including but not limited to:

  • Brand Protection Companies: Organizations dedicated to protecting brand interests
  • Registrars: Entities managing domain registrations
  • (IP) Law Firms: Legal professionals specializing in intellectual property

Benefits of registering as a Trademark Agent:

  • Earn Status Points with each trademark registration or renewal, unlocking discounts as you gather more status points.
  • Showcase your company on our Official Agents page, allowing trademark owners to reach out to you directly.
  • Gain access to exclusive benefits, including being the first to receive updates on new gTLD launches or relevant system updates via direct mailing.
  • Receive personalized support from a dedicated account manager who will assist you with any questions throughout the trademark submission process and beyond.

How to Get Started:

Whether you are a Trademark Holder or a potential Trademark Agent, the process is designed to be accessible and straightforward. Explore our step-by-step guide to initiate your application and make the most of the Trademark Clearinghouse services.

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.