AdultBlock webinar for Trademark Professionals and TMCH Agents

by | Sep 24, 2019 | News | 0 comments

Dear TMCH Partners,

At the Trademark Clearinghouse, we constantly strive to help you protect your brands online. In recent years, blocking mechanisms have become more and more popular.

Blocking mechanisms add value in protecting your brand in the domain name space and play a substantial role in strengthening your IP strategy. Therefore, we kindly invite you to the below mentioned webinars about the new ICM Registry blocking service.

In 2011, ICM Registry launched the original dotXXX adult themed blocking service known as Sunrise B with more than 70,000 participants. In July of this year, ICM (now MMX) announced that the original Sunrise B blocks will be superseded by AdultBlock and AdultBlock+.

The AdultBlock webinar for Trademark Professionals and TMCH Agents is your opportunity to find out what this means for you and the original 70,000 Sunrise B participants.

ICM will cover everything you need to know about migrating from Sunrise B to AdultBlock, including:

  • The difference between the original dotXXX Sunrise B block and the NEW AdultBlock
  • Who is eligible to participate in AdultBlock
  • Why rights owners and Trademark Professionals should be considering AdultBlock now
  • The most economical migration path available
  • How to maintain rights protection granted under Sunrise B
  • Future verification requirements and processes
  • AdultBlock pricing structure
  • How to become an authorised AdultBlock provider


The first two webinars will be held on Tuesday 24th September 2019, to accommodate various timezones, with the third for those who may have missed the previous two.

Webinar 1: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 – 7.00 PST – 10AM New York | 3PM London | 4PM Paris/Berlin | 7.30PM Mumbai | 11PM Tokyo

Webinar 2: Tuesday, September 24, 2019 – 9.00 PST – 9AM Vancouver and LA | 12PM NYC | 5PM London | 6PM Paris/Berlin

Webinar 3: Wednesday, October 2nd 2019 – – 7.00 PST – 10AM New York | 3PM London | 4PM Paris/Berlin | 7.30PM Mumbai | 11PM Tokyo

To register for this event, please visit –

In the meantime if you have any questions regarding AdultBlock please do not hesitate to contact Apolo O’lalobo directly at apolo[at]icmregistry[dot]com.