Trademark Clearinghouse Team

The Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) offers protection for your brand in ICANN’s new gTLD program. It performs two essential functions:

  1. Verification Services: TMCH authenticates contact information and verifies trademark records to ensure their accuracy and legitimacy.
  2. Database Storage: Once verified, these trademark records are stored in a secure database, which is accessible to new gTLD registry operators. This enables the provision of Notifications of Registered Name (NORN) to protect trademark holders.


Validation partner: Appointed by ICANN, we are responsible for providing the Clearinghouse Verification Services, ensuring that all trademark records are thoroughly vetted and authenticated.

Jan Corstens
Global Project Partner

Kenny Van Cauter
Global Project Manager

Donna Van Bosbeke
Global Operations, Alliances & Strategy

Maaike De Ridder
Marketing, Sales & Client Relations

Jana Freij
Validations & Client Relations

Konstantina Zerva
Validations & Client Relations

Lode Leys
Validations & Client Relations


CHIP: As the contracting party, CHIP S.A. handles invoicing. The registered office is located at 21, rue Léon Laval – 3372 Leudelange – Luxembourg. CHIP S.A. is listed under Commercial Registration Number B170388, and their VAT number is LU25955733.

Jan Jansen
Chief Executive Officer

Geert Debyser
Chief Development Officer

Philip Struyf
Customer Relationship Officer

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.