recording .世界 (.world) webinar

by | Sep 30, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Please find below the recording and presentation of the webinar on .世界 (.world).


The IDN-TLD “.世界” (Dot World) has launched a Special Sunrise with a new and lowered price. This Sunrise is now accepting registrations and will last for more than 60-days, ending on November 10th, 2015.


We’d like to encourage brands and Trademark owners to take advantage of this Special Application period before the public launch (General Availability) on November 17th, 2015.


The two-character extension “.世界”, pronounced “Shijie” in Chinese; “Seikai” in Japanese and “Segye” in Korean means “World” across Chinese, Japanese and Koreans alike (in meaning and in writing). Together, that encompasses an over 1.5 billion population market worldwide.

“.世界” domains are also ideal for representing world class brands online for companies as well as the online world of individuals.