Trademark Holders

Trademark Holders encompass individuals, private persons, or companies with registered trademark rights. Trademark Holders are keen to manage their own brands and prefer handling the process in-house. This includes those currently holding eligible trademark rights and aiming to protect their trademarks through the Clearinghouse. Trademark Holders have the option to directly submit their trademarks or manage the process through a Trademark Agent.

Pricing For Trademark Holders

Trademark Holders, including individuals, private persons, or companies with registered trademark rights, prioritize managing their brands independently. Whether you’re safeguarding your trademark rights or aiming to enhance brand protection through the Clearinghouse, we offer flexible payment options tailored to your needs.

Payment options

Trademark Holders have access to two distinct pricing structures:

  • Basic Fee Structure: Credit card payments
  • Advanced Fee Structure: Prepaid Account

Have Questions?

Feel free to reach out to our TMCH support team at for any inquiries or assistance. We are here to help you navigate through your application and optimize the benefits we offer you.