At Trademark Clearinghouse, we’re your shield in the ever-expanding world of Top Level Domains (TLDs). With over a thousand TLDs live and more launching constantly, brand protection is critical. Safeguard your intellectual property with our ICANN-mandated solution. Secure preferred domains, monitor usage, and swiftly address infringements. Trust us to strengthen your digital future.

Who can apply?

Who can apply?

It’s simple: anyone who owns a trademark

Trademark Holders

Individuals or companies who submit and manage their own trademarks

Trademark Agents

Individuals or companies who submit and manage trademarks on behalf of Trademark owners

New gTLD Calendar

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Latest News

TMCH portal Enhancements

Dear TMCH Partners, We are thrilled to announce some significant enhancements to our portal, designed to offer you a more tailored experience. Pop -up modification for the appuser name Description: With the addition of the ability for Agents/Holders to change the app...

Subject: TMCH | .locker Sunrise

The Trademark Clearinghouse is thrilled to officially announce the upcoming launch of the .locker, a TLD that promises to connect the dots between your Web2 and Web3 identity. Apart from embodying trustworthiness, utility and accessibility, .locker offers a solution...

TMCH| Scheduled Maintenance Customer Support, 22 June

Dear TMCH Partners, We would like to bring to your attention a scheduled maintenance on our internal customer support platform that will occur on Saturday 22 June, from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM UTC. During this timeframe, our internal customer support platform will be...

🌟 Big Announcement! 🌟 Join us at #INTA Annual Meeting 2024 in #Atlanta, where Trademark Clearinghouse will be at Booth 508 in the Innovation Marketplace. Let's discuss brand protection strategies and business opportunities. Schedule a meeting with us! 🤝
#TMCH #BrandProtection

📢Exciting News!

We're headed to the #ICANN Contracted Parties Summit in Paris soon! Join the Trademark Clearinghouse team to chat about projects, address concerns, and explore opportunities.

Attending too? Let’s connect! 🤝

#CPSummit #TMCH #DomainNames

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