
Résultats de la recherche

  1. How does the Trademark Claims Service work?

    ... that is identical to their trademark record registered and verified in the Clearinghouse. Tags:  TMCH Services ...

  2. Can I benefit from the priority registration during a sunrise period offered by a new gTLD for a trademark which is not registered within the Clearinghouse?

    ... you by the Clearinghouse once your trademark record has been verified. Tags:  TMCH Services ...

  3. What is the deadline for registering my trademark record in the Clearinghouse in order for me to benefit from registering in a Sunrise period?

    ... Sunrise registration, once your trademark record has been verified. Tags:  TMCH Services ...

  4. When will my SMD file be available?

    ... Once your trademark record and the Proof of Use have been verified, the SMD file is available within a maximum of 1 hour. Each time any ...

  5. What is the purpose of an SMD file?

    ... SMD file is to show that the Trademark Clearinghouse has verified your trademark record, and that you have met the minimum eligibility ...

  6. What is the Ongoing Notifications Service?

    ... name in a new gTLD that matches a trademark registered and verified in the Clearinghouse, beyond the original 90-day period. Note that ...

  7. Does the Clearinghouse accept trademarks registered according to an accelerated procedure?

    ... the end of the opposition period, these trademarks will be verified again by the verification agents of the Trademark Clearinghouse at ...

  8. How can I change the name of the mark via the API?

    ... labels is not possible when a trademark record is being verified or when it is expired. Please refer to our documentation on ...

  9. What do I have to configure in my account in order to get access to the API (PROD and OT&E) environment?

    After your Trademark Agent account has been verified and you have received your credentials for the production environment, ...

  10. .CFD TLD will be launched next week!

    ... , 2021 (UTC 14:00). Sunrise eligible trademarks, verified by the Trademark Clearinghouse, can register their .CFD domain name ...
