
Résultats de la recherche

  1. How to revalidate/invalidate your Proof Of Use documentation

    ... general proof of use Description:  Trademark holders that want to opt in for the Sunrise service are required ... each sunrise eligible trademark record in the Trademark Clearinghouse . Download category:  General and pricing ...

  2. Final Call! .kids Sunrise period is ending soon

    Dear TMCH users, The Trademark Clearinghouse would like to kindly remind you that the Sunrise period of ... participating in .kids's Sunrise Period exclusively for trademark holders via and refer to  our  our listed agents ...

  3. TMCH API2 Documentation & XSD

    ... interact in an automated fashion with the data stored in the Clearinghouse database (TMCH database). XML has been widely used by registries ... EPP standard as possible. The API may only be used by Trademark Agents that have contracted with the Clearinghouse. This zip ...

  4. Renew

    Benefits of renewing your mark in the Clearinghouse: Still over 100 TLD's have to launch their Sunrise .  ... notice to the registrant (prior to registration) and the trademark holder (after the registration) when a registrant applies to ... designed the Ongoing Notifications to continue to notify the trademark holder indefinitely beyond the 90 day limit. This means you will ...

  5. Trademark Clearinghouse Team

    The Trademark Clearinghouse consists of two primary functions: (i) the authentication of contact information and verification of trademark records and (ii) the storage of such trademark records in a database ...

  6. UDRP & Court cases

    Out of the Clearinghouse implementation discussions, a Strawman solution was proposed to ... abusively registered (hereinafter “Abused DNL”) in the Clearinghouse in order to receive Trademark Claims services. ICANN has requested the Clearinghouse to ...

  7. 5,000 Trademark Owners Register Under Trademark Clearinghouse

    Langue Anglais Althought the Clearinghouse reaches 5,000 trademarks many trademarks have yet to submit their ... Review, July 16th, 2013 Link to:  5,000 Trademark Owners Register Under Trademark Clearinghouse Publication ...

  8. Trademark priority in .VEGAS

      Trademark Holders will get first priority in registration in .VEGAS; this ... 1st 2014 . To benefit from this exclusive period your trademark information must first be verified before the domain registration can ...   These registrars are both official Trademark Clearinghouse Agent and ICANN accredited Registrar ; they offer you a ...

  9. .kids | Kids' Best Interest Domain

    ... Sunrise eligible trademarks, verified by the Trademark Clearinghouse , can register their .kids domain name as of Thursday, August ...

  10. POU revalidation update

    ... is a mandatory process for each Sunrise eligible trademark record in the Trademark Clearinghouse . The Proof Of Use documentation (signed declaration and sample ...
