
Résultats de la recherche

  1. What is the Clearinghouse User Interface?

    The Clearinghouse User Interface is the online web application that is available through . This enables you to, among other things, (i) ...

  2. Migration of full OT&E environment for TMCH agents

    In our continuing mission to improve the Trademark Clearinghouse we are pleased to announce that on December 1st the OT&E ...

  3. New Feature added: ‘Invalid’ Trademark Record - Extra correction

    Dear TMCH Users,  in order to give trademark agents and holders with a prepaid account an additional opportunity ... of their ‘invalid’ trademark records, the Trademark Clearinghouse now allows to purchase an extra correction. This new functionality is accessible directly through the TMCH web interface for trademark holders with a prepaid account and agents. It gives ...

  4. New release

    ... New Features added: Update a Valid POU to a Verified Trademark Record ‘Invalid’ Trademark Record - Extra correction ... - TREx 1.1 Release 30/05/2018: Trademark Clearinghouse Support Tool Migration Integration of a new Support Page in ...