
Résultats de la recherche

  1. What must a registrar do while processing Claims Registrations?

    ... obligations that registrars must satisfy when processing Claims Registrations is available at ... and obtain a CNIS lookup key if the label is covered by a trademark record, registrars must query the CNIS to obtain Claims Notice ... section), use the Claims Notice Information to populate the Trademark Notice (see Exhibit A of ...

  2. Claims Notice

    If you have received a Trademark Claims Notice and are seeking more information, we recommend referring to the trademark office for the relevant jurisdiction or the relevant decisions made ...

  3. TMCH Portal Enhancements

    Dear TMCH Partners, The Trademark Clearinghouse is delighted to announce two significant enhancements ... Sunrise notifications status (Active/Not Active) Claims notifications status (Active/Not Active) Ongoing notifications ...

  4. As a Trademark Agent, will I be the only one receiving notifications from the Clearinghouse?

    Yes, as a Trademark Agent, you will be receiving all the notifications on behalf of your Trademark Holder(s). The Trademark Holders acting through a Trademark ... Notifications of Registered Name (NORN) (sunrise and claims notifications) and ongoing notifications directly to the e-mail address ...

  5. لماذا التسجيل؟

    ... منافع تسجيل العلامة التجارية مع Trademark Clearinghouse الاطلاع على سجل المرحلة ... العلامة التجارية ( Trademark Claims ). المرحلة الأولية للتسجيل ( Sunrise ...

  6. How does registering trademarks within the Clearinghouse protect companies' brands?

    ... our two proactive services: the Sunrise Service and Trademark Claims Service. 1. Sunrise is an initial period of at least 30 days ...

  7. What is the Ongoing Notifications Service?

    Following the 90-day Trademark Claims Period for each new gTLD, the Clearinghouse offers an ongoing notification service. Trademark holders will be notified indefinitely whenever someone has activated ...

  8. If different Trademark Holders or Trademark Agents have two identical trademarks registered in the Clearinghouse, when will they be informed?

    The Trademark Holders or Trademark Agents will only be notified when another party registers a domain ... of their trademark during a sunrise period or a trademark claims period, provided that they opted for Sunrise Service or trademark ...

  9. Porque devo registar-me?

    ... para os novos registos gTLD e o serviço Trademark Claims (reclamações de marcas). Sunrise é um período ... O serviço de reclamações de marcas ( Trademark Claims ) segue-se ao  Sunrise . Trata-se de um serviço de ...

  10. Can a Registry Operator release a domain name that it had reserved in accordance with the Registry Agreement for allocation or registration purposes at a later stage?

    ... domain name at any time prior to the start date of the Claims Period, the domain name must be treated like any other domain name for ... Period), provided that this requirement will expire if the Trademark Clearinghouse (or any ICANN-designated successor) is no longer in ...
