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This document aims to describe how to use the self-service system of the Trademark Clearinghouse to ask the support desk for information or assistance by walking you through the basics of using the Trademark Clearinghouse self-service system including how to create cases, view all your cases, view case details, reopen and close resolved cases.
Latest update: 14.11.2023 Download category: Technical document

This document will provide TMCH Trademark Agents and Holders with a guide on how to add variations (extra labels) next to their standard labels via the web interface of the TMCH. Please note that these extra labels can only be used when the Ongoing Notifications service is activated. As a consequence, when this service is activated and when users have added variations, users will be notified when this variation is used for the registration of a domain name in a new gTLD.

Latest update: 04.05.2021 Download category: General and pricing

List of the jurisdictions in which an online database for registered trademarks is available. Please note that this list is subject to change.

Latest update: 09.04.2021 Download category: Technical document

This manual walks you through the procedure to reset your password on the the TMCH Support Portal.

Latest update: 18.10.2017 Download category: Technical document

This guide will provide the guidelines on how to transfer invalid Mark Records from a TMCH Holder account to a TMCH Agent account. 

After this transfer has been executed, this Mark Record will appear with an ‘incorrect’ status in the mark overview of the TMCH Agent.

Latest update: 21.03.2017 Download category: General and pricing

During the lifecycle of a trademark record, a trademark record can be transferred from one company to another company. This document provides TMCH users with a guide on how to change the holder information and/or the address of the Trademark Holder of a trademark record after the trademark record has been verified.

Latest update: 29.10.2014 Download category: General and pricing

The license declaration for court validated trademarks is a template declaration which needs to be uploaded in the Clearinghouse User Interface when the Trademark Holder of a court validated mark has indicated that he/she is the licensee of a court validated mark. This license declaration for court validated trademarks needs to be downloaded, completed and signed by both licensor (the current owner) and licensee (the holder of the mark). The licensee is the party that is mentioned on the trademark record submitted to the Clearinghouse.

Latest update: 01.03.2013 Download category: Declaration documents

The license declaration for marks protected under statute or treaty is a template declaration which needs to be uploaded in the Clearinghouse User Interface when the Trademark Holder of a mark protected under statute or treaty has indicated that he/she is the licensee of a mark protected under statute or treaty. This license declaration for registered trademarks needs to be downloaded, completed and signed by both licensor (the current owner) and licensee (the holder of the mark). The licensee is the party that is mentioned on the trademark record submitted to the Clearinghouse.

Latest update: 01.03.2013 Download category: Declaration documents