As a Trademark Agent, will I be the only one receiving notifications from the Clearinghouse?

Yes, as a Trademark Agent, you will be receiving all the notifications on behalf of your Trademark Holder(s). The Trademark Holders acting through a Trademark Agent will not receive notifications directly from the Clearinghouse.

However, the Trademark Clearinghouse can forward Notifications of Registered Name (NORN) (sunrise and claims notifications) and ongoing notifications directly to the e-mail address of the holder listed the mark record. This service can be activated when submitting the mark record or later on by navigating to the mark record via the "Marks" tab and activating the service in the "Services" section.

To activate the service, a one-time fee of $10 will be charged to your account. The service can be deactivated or re-activated without added cost, for the duration that the mark record is protected within the TMCH. The notifications will be sent to the holder's e-mail address at the same time the notifications are send to the Trademark Agent e-mail address. However, they will be filtered based on the mark name for which the service was activated.

Please note that this service can not be activated with accounts that have enabled the API. Hence, you will first need to disable the API via the "My Account" interface.

For detailed information on how to activate this service, please refer to the how to on the subject.



API (Automated Interface)



proof of use



TMCH Services

trademark record